Xi'an demonstrated a vibrant and dynamic spirit in 2024, achieving remarkable progress in its pursuit of high-quality development.
In 2024, Xi'an's transportation and logistics sector witnessed remarkable growth, with passenger and freight volumes surging, boosting economic vitality and connectivity.
In 2024, Xi'an advanced toward its goal of becoming a world-renowned cultural city by preserving its rich heritage and promoting cultural innovation.
Xi'an has seized the opportunities of the Belt and Road Initiative, utilizing its strategic location to enhance hub development, expand trade corridors, and foster industrial growth.
In 2024, Xi'an invested 66.79 billion yuan ($9.17 billion) into research and development (R&D), with an R&D intensity of 5.56 percent, ranking third nationwide. The city's global innovation index ranking rose to 18th, highlighting its rapid progress in technological advancement.
In 2024, Xi'an in Northwest China's Shaanxi province, saw a surge in innovation, accelerating the cultivation of new quality productive forces and injecting fresh energy into its high-quality development.
This year, Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, has prioritized breakthroughs in opening-up to foster the high-quality development of its economy.