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Xi'an stands out for innovation capacity
en.xa.gov.cn    Updated: 2024-01-17 17:16

The Institute of Science and Technology Information of China recently released the 2023 Innovation Capacity Evaluation Report of National Innovative Cities. In three of the evaluation lists, Xi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, entered the top 10.

A beautiful city view of Xi'an. [Photo/WeChat account of Xi'an Release]

In the innovation capacity index, Xi'an ranked eighth in the country, and it also ranked eighth among the top 100 innovation cities. In terms of innovation governance, Xi'an placed ninth in the country.

Unlike previous years, this year's report included the four municipalities of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing for the first time. The total number of cities included in this year's report has increased from 97 to 101.

National innovation cities refer to cities with strong independent innovation capabilities, outstanding scientific and technological support and leadership, high levels of sustainable economic and social development, and significant driving effects.

In 2023, Xi'an continued to meet its high-quality development goals thanks to its technological innovation.

Xi'an ranked 19th on the global list of the top 100 world-leading science and technology clusters, according to the 2023 edition of the Global Innovation Index, which was released by the World Intellectual Property Organization.

The latest data showed that the number of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises in the city exceeded 14,000. This year, the total number of national high-tech enterprises in the city is expected to exceed 12,500, and the city's technology contract transaction volume is expected to reach 380 billion yuan ($53.04 billion).

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