Yunfeng Zang
VP&CTO of Shanghai Yovole Networks Inc
Yunfeng Zang is the senior vice-president and chief technology officer of Shanghai Yovole Networks Inc. He leads Yovole's long-term technology vision, and is responsible for the operations and development of Yovole Cloud platform and the Operation Automation products. Zang also facilitates the technical community within Yovole, research programs and university collaboration.
Prior to Yovole, Zang was CTO at Virgin Mobile China, where he was responsible for the Mobile Virtual Network Operator IT infrastructure and products. Prior to joining Virgin Mobile, he was IT Director / CTO at, a famous China internet application and content provider. Zang earned a Master of Science in Computer Networking and a Bachelor of Science in Information Science from Fudan University, China.
Title: Cloud, on the Way
Abstract: It has been 13 years since the first cloud computing service came to the market. Enterprises and SMB obtain big benefits from cloud services, and more and more applications rely on the support of cloud, from legacy to cloud native. For such a long time, public cloud has held the dominant position of the market, and indeed it takes the lead in both technology and awareness. Nowadays, along with the evolution of cloud solution and variety of application scenarios, different notions of cloud have emerged: proprietary cloud, multi-cloud, true private cloud … What are they? Will they become the new stars of tomorrow? How can we expect the customers to choose in the game of cloud service providers, and what about data sensitivity and AI computing power indispensable to enterprises? I will share my view of the next stage of cloud development, and what Yovole is doing as a niche market winner.